Membership Fees for 2019- 2020
$60.00 for Family members
$30.00 for Individual members
$25.00 for Associate members
Family members are those, who are married, and may/ may not have children (who are not in employment).
Individual members are those who are over 18 and in full time employment (regardless of whether their parents are family members).
Associate members are those who are pensioners, unemployed or students (who do not fall under the Family members or Individual members' category).
Payment of Fees can be done by EFT, Cheque or Cash
EFT Details:
Bank: Westpac
A/c name: Jain community of WA Inc
A/c number: 227 395
BSB: 036 062
(Please include a description such as Member's name Spouse Name if applicable and Year)
Cheque: A/c: Jain Community of WA
Mail to:
Jain Community of WA
PO Box 250
Belmont WA 6984
Cash: Pay at any Satsang or directly to a committee member.
If you have any queries regarding memberships, please contact JCWA Treasurer on, and they will get back to you.